"Do No Harm" Applies to Both Children and Adults
Protecting children from the transgender assault is not enough. Adults must be protected, too. In this video clip from the April 13, 2024 Save Our Children conference in Florida, I explain why....
Protecting children from the transgender assault is not enough. Adults must be protected, too. In this video clip from the April 13, 2024 Save Our Children conference in Florida, I explain why....
More research has been published that shows “gender-affirming care,” meaning chemical castration and genital mutilation, harms children. The transgender movement’s mantra, “Do you prefer a transgender son or a dead daughter?” has been exposed as nothing more than coercive fraud; meanwhile, actual evidence proves that simply leaving kids alone...
It started with Kooth, a UK-based phone app marketed as a “free, safe and anonymous online mental wellbeing community” for young people. In 2022, the Pennsylvania state Department of Human Services funded a $3 million grant to Kooth to pilot the app in 30 school districts throughout the state for...
I remain an unabashed meat lover and make my apologies for my disdain for the vegetarian—or worse, vegan—diet. Some religions require practitioners to eat vegetarian meals, but the practice comes with significant health risks. Veganism is nothing more than a scam. When I see adults forcing the practice...
This Easter Joe Biden used the transgender club to attack Christianity and Christians. The attack backfired miserably, leaving the entire administration with Easter egg on its face. The fiasco exposed the depravity that defines the Biden presidency. It also revealed the growing strength of an America that has overcome its...
Part of an ongoing series on how to use supplement and behavior-based plans to treat common maladies. To read the detailed plan, order supplements, or download the patient resource sheets, go here to create a free patient account at Fullscript by entering your name and email address: Dr. Mark McDonald’...
When I entered medical school in 2003, I asked if I could opt out of the group plan and buy my own health insurance. I discovered I could save several thousand dollars a year by shopping around and signing up for a high-deductible catastrophic care plan, which is all I...
Since 2020 American media has, in general, served the role of the Soviet Union’s Pravda: mouthpiece of the state. Its function is now to censor truth and disseminate lies that further a political end. That end is to ensure the existing governing oligarchy maintains its grip on power. The...
Part of an ongoing series on how to use supplement and behavior-based plans to treat common maladies. To read the detailed plan, order supplements, or download the patient resource sheets, go here to create a free patient account at Fullscript by entering your name and email address: Dr. Mark McDonald’...