

Conflicts surrounding the movement to eliminate biological reality

20 posts
Transgender Madness

Transgender Madness

Dennison Joyce from WIOX Radio interviews me on my recent talk in Florida exposing the transgender movement's attacks on America's children. We also discuss my books, United States of Fear and Freedom From Fear, the financial incentives that encouraged American medicine to abandon "first do...

by Dissident MD
RIP Trans Agenda
Paid-members ArticlesTransgenderism

RIP Trans Agenda

More research has been published that shows “gender-affirming care,” meaning chemical castration and genital mutilation, harms children. The transgender movement’s mantra, “Do you prefer a transgender son or a dead daughter?” has been exposed as nothing more than coercive fraud; meanwhile, actual evidence proves that simply leaving kids alone...

by Dissident MD
The Transgender Tide is Turning
Paid-members ArticlesTransgenderism

The Transgender Tide is Turning

This Easter Joe Biden used the transgender club to attack Christianity and Christians. The attack backfired miserably, leaving the entire administration with Easter egg on its face. The fiasco exposed the depravity that defines the Biden presidency. It also revealed the growing strength of an America that has overcome its...

by Dissident MD
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