Dissident MD
The Intersection of Medicine and Politics

Natural Body Products

Natural Body Products

I went to the local pharmacy to buy new deodorant recently and discovered the price had tripled since just last year. One stick now costs nearly $10. If you choose the combination deodorant+antiperspirant version, you can save a few dollars, but then you're left with additional problems,...

by Dissident MD
We Need Mass Deportations Now
Paid-members ArticlesPolitics

We Need Mass Deportations Now

“Death to Israel! Death to America!” These are the chants heard every day now on college campuses throughout the United States. Encampments have been built. Administrative buildings have been occupied. Multiple universities have officially closed for the remainder of the semester, as school officials admit they cannot (or will not)...

by Dissident MD
Death by Social Contagion and the State
Paid-members ArticlesMedicine

Death by Social Contagion and the State

First, California was a sanctuary state for illegal immigration. Next, it became a sanctuary state for abortion. More recently, it has become a sanctuary state for transgender chemical castration and genital mutilation of children. The state continues its death march as it now seeks to become a formal haven for...

by Dissident MD
Dissident MD Has Moved!

Dissident MD Has Moved!

Recently, you received an email announcing Dissident MD will be relocating to its own website: www.dissidentmd.com. Well, the relocation is complete. Dissident MD is now fully independent as a stand-alone publishing platform, as well as greater integration with its cousin publication, the Informed Dissent podcast. Little has changed...

by Dissident MD
Transgender Madness

Transgender Madness

Dennison Joyce from WIOX Radio interviews me on my recent talk in Florida exposing the transgender movement's attacks on America's children. We also discuss my books, United States of Fear and Freedom From Fear, the financial incentives that encouraged American medicine to abandon "first do...

by Dissident MD
Goodnight Girlfriend Texts—Just Say No
Paid-members ArticlesPsychology

Goodnight Girlfriend Texts—Just Say No

“If you really loved me, you’d send me a goodnight text every night.” Young women are now making this demand of their boyfriends in increasing numbers. Not only is sending nightly text messages to a lover unnecessary—it’s unhealthy, for both partners. The psychological mechanism that drives the...

by Dissident MD
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