Elon Musk announced he’s relocating Space X and Twitter headquarters out of California to Austin, Texas after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill prohibiting schools from notifying parents of their children’s gender identity. Musk has been critical of Newsom’s confiscatory business tax and regulatory policies, but more recently he has called out Newsom for his strident attacks on parental rights: blocking parents from removing pornographic texts from public schools, denying parents the right to object to hormone blockers given to children at school. “This is the final straw,” he said. It may be the final straw for the rest of us as well.

AB 1955, ironically called the SAFETY Act, prohibits any adopted school board policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires parents to be notified of their child’s gender identification. Essentially, it prohibits teachers from informing a child’s parents when little Joey announces his name is now Josephine, and he wants to experiment with wearing high heels stored in the trangender costume closet at school. More insidiously, it also protects transactivist groomer teachers from lawsuits potentially filed by parents whose children have been transed at school. Newsom’s signing AB 1955 announces that it’s open season on California’s children, and there is nothing parents can do about it, at least not legally.

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