As a clinical psychiatrist charged with shoring up the sanity of my patients for nearly two decades, and as a writer and public speaker advocating for individual and national sanity since 2020, I’m glad to see that the restoration of sanity has finally emerged as a primary goal at the local and national level. From Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., prominent voices are now demanding that rational thought be made the guiding principle in government decision-making.

Donald Trump, in a series of well-deserved excoriations of the Democrat party, noted that what America needs right now, more than anything else, is “sanity.” He pointed to a consistent pattern of simply insane policy positions of the Biden regime: medical authoritarianism, dilution of monetary supply, energy strangulation, government-sponsored child mutilation, military emasculation, and the elimination of US borders. These are not positions or policies that fall within the realm of “reasonable debate.” They are insane.

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