For me, the first major move to vacate the mainstream economy came at the end of 2023, when I decided to drop my Obamacare health insurance and replace it with a Medishare medical sharing plan. I simply could no longer justify paying the outrageous monthly fees that covered nothing more than catastrophic care, fees that Covered California, the local state insurance lackey, announced in December 2023 would increase by a shocking 20% starting January 2024. Medishare offered essentially the same product at only a quarter of the cost. Sold.

Since then, I’ve withdrawn from many other traditional institutions I had supported as a consumer for much of my life. I discovered a new, parallel economy that surpasses the existing American economy in every way: cost, quality, efficiency, accessibility. This parallel economy isn’t new. It just wasn’t widely known until the nation was forcibly shut down in 2020. As it slowly re-opened, many Americans like me decided they did not wish to rejoin it.

Replete with options, we no longer need to support a third-rate, inept, unjust top-down swamp system that is entirely managed and manipulated by our bloated, centralized government and its corporate cronies.

Today, we have options.

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