The future of American medicine is African female genital mutilation. Soon, along with pediatric bilateral mastectomies and chemical castration, it will be as common as the annual flu shot or the 17th booster for the Wuhan coronavirus. Today’s doctors in training show little interest in protecting girls from woke bloodlust, preferring a slash and inject approach to healthcare. That’s why we need a new, parallel, competing medical system based on actual science.

A Colorado obstetrician, Travis Morrell, explained in a recent commentary published in the Wall Street Journal that his resolution to protect girls from gender-denying care—sterilization and the lopping off of healthy body parts—was blocked by a contingent of medical students at the most prestigious medical school in Colorado. Ironically, a majority of physician faculty supported the resolution. It was the future physicians who insisted that imposing a woke agenda was more important than honoring their oath to do no harm to their patients.

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