We all started out drinking it. It calmed us, nourished us, settled our stomachs, built up our immune systems. It came from our mother's breast. Then a few years later, one day, we stopped. We began drinking ultra-processed, pasteurized, homogenized, vitamin-enriched fat-free milk. And we started to develop allergies, rashes, and asthma. What went wrong? How can we return to the health-promoting path of milk-drinking, the one we began as infants?
It's quite easy, actually. Start drinking raw milk again. Start drinking single-dairy, clean milk from pasture-raised healthy cows. It contains enzymes and nutrients that are quite similar to human breast milk, all of which are destroyed or removed by the pasteurization and homogenization process of modern industrial milk production.
Lactose-intolerant? Drink raw milk. Raw milk contains lactase-promoting enzymes that allow the human body to properly digest milk. All ethnicities--Africans and Asians included--can drink milk directly from the animal with no issues. They've been doing it for centuries. They can drink raw milk from American dairies.
Raw milk has been shown to send Crohn's Disease into remission, eliminate small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), reduce inflammatory (and irritable) bowel disease, and improve mental health by way of the gut-brain connection. Essentially, any inflammatory or immunologic gastrointestinal disturbance can be treated by restoring a healthy gut microbiome, whose foundation is built by drinking raw milk.
Benefits of Raw Milk
Closest to nature form, straight from the animal
Rich in healthy fats
Rich in CLA and Omega 3 fatty acids
Replete with vitamins and minerals
Pasteurized homogenized milk has been heated to 145 °F, inactivating enzymes, destroying probiotics and vitamins, and altering healthy fats and proteins. It is, essentially, an ultra-processed food, similar to Velveeta cheese or Oscar Meyer hot dogs. Just as baked goods made from processed, bleached, enriched flour inflame the GI tract, create allergies, and produce rashes, so, too, does the human body revolt when confronted with factory milk. Most milk sold today is unhealthy.

How much raw milk should we be drinking? Three cups a day, or eating the raw cheese equivalent of three ounces of cheese. Depending on which state you live in, you may be able to buy raw milk at your local store. If not, raw cheese may be available. Raw cheese can often be shipped to you across state lines. An excellent source of raw milk and cheese is Raw Farm, located in Fresno, California. This family-run operation has been in business since 1998. All their products are made from raw milk, are nutrient-rich, and are tested safe on site before being shipped to the consumer.
Raw milk--the elixir the FDA does not want you to know about.
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